The Foundation’s Ecological Research, Stewardship and Restoration Department strives to publish the results of research, inventory and monitoring projects undertaken by the department or with collaborators in professional, peer-reviewed journals so that other scientists and land managers can learn from the results of our research. Click on the photos below to find out more about these research projects.
Links to publications are provided if permitted by journal copyright access policies. If no link is provided, please email to request a copy.
Challenges, Successes, and Recommendations for Management of Coastal Sandplain Grasslands as Regional Biodiversity Hotspots in the Northeastern United States; S. Bois, C. Neill, M. Whittemore, L. Champlin, K. Beattie, R. Hopping, J. Karberg, K. Lombard, K. Omand, P. Weigand, R. Wernerehl. Restoration Ecology e13928.
A Harried Past for a Glabrous Lettuce: Resurrection of Lactuca sanguinea Bigelow (Cichorieae), the Wood Lettuce from Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, USA; S.M. Ballou, K.A. Omand, J.M. Karberg, J.M. Bonifacino and J.R. Mandel; Capitulum 2(2): 59-68; Published online March 2023 (;
Euphorbia ipecacuanhae on Nantucket: A Historical State Record Comes to Light; P.P. Grima, K.A. Omand, and P. Sweeney; Rhodora 123(996): 434-443. 2021; Journal copyright does not allow open website access to this publication- please email to request a copy.
Changes to Spotted Turtle (Clemmys guttata) Habitat Selection in Response to a Salt Marsh Restoration; D.I. O'Dell, J.M. Karberg, K.C. Beattie, K.A. Omand, and E.C. Buck. Wetlands Ecology and Management; Published online: 20 February 2021; Journal copyright does not allow open website access to this publication- please email to request a copy.
Testing for Hybridization Between Centaurea stoebe and Centaurea jacea (Asteraceae) in the Isolated Island Setting of Nantucket, Massachusetts, U.S.A.; T. Závada, K.A. Omand, R.J. Malik, D. Tsirelson, and R.V. Kesseli; Rhodora 123(993): 1-10. 2021;‒19. Journal copyright does not allow open website access to this publication- please email to request a copy.
Effects of Mowing and Prescribed Fire on Plant Community Structure and Function in Rare Coastal Sandplains, Nantucket Island, MA, USA; H.M. Poulos, R.S. Freeman, J.M. Karberg, K.C. Beattie, D.I. O'Dell, and K.A. Omand. Environmental Management; Published online: 4 December 2019; Journal copyright does not allow open website access to this publication- please email to request a copy.
Tidal Hydrology and Salinity Drives Salt Marsh Vegetation Restoration and Phragmites australis Control in New England; J.M. Karberg, K.C. Beattie, D.I. O'Dell and K.A. Omand; Wetlands Volume 38, Issue 5, pp 993–1003. 2018. Journal copyright does not allow open website access to this publication- please email to request a copy.
Cooperative Update of the Vascular Flora of Nantucket; S.T. Bois, K.A. Omand and B.A. Connolly; Rhodora 119(980): 360-362. 2017. Journal copyright does not allow open website access to this publication- please email to request a copy.