The Foundation’s Science and Stewardship Department undertakes focused research, inventory and monitoring projects aimed at providing increased understanding of the rare resources found on our properties. This information is used to make well-informed ecological management decisions and develop detailed plans for the stewardship of the Foundation’s conservation lands. To accomplish this, we work closely with our Properties Maintenance staff, seasonal field assistants, volunteers, local conservation partners and outside researchers.
The Foundation strives to be an ecologically-responsible steward of its many unique properties by basing management and conservation goals on current, accurate research. To achieve this, Property Conservation Management Plans developed by our Science and Stewardship Department guide our current research and direct and inform our land stewardship activities. Completed plans are reviewed and revised every 5-10 years so that the results of our research, management, and monitoring can be incorporated and used to inform future use of our properties.
Property Conservation Management Plans provide a blueprint for how each property will be managed and monitored. Property holdings are grouped together based on similar vegetation communities, ecological resources, levels of public use, and management needs. Each management plan contains property background information, identification of sensitive resources and known or potential ecological stresses, management actions needed, measures of success, an analysis of current and potential education and public use opportunities and how management actions relate to goals adopted by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and staff.